Friday, April 18, 2014

A new move.

Two years since last post. I should get back to this blog.

This month Ellie and I moved back to Chattanooga. It was a good move... although very stressful. Our purpose is to build a house on Manning St. in the North Shore area. We move into a tiny house a few blocks from where we will build. Josie started a new school and seems to love it. Anna... well, doesn't seem to care one way or the other about the move.

Really tired so I'll get back to this when I have more time.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Where has my steampunk gone!

The more I write, the less my book looks like the grand steam punk trilogy I planned and more like a post apocalyptic coming of age story with a couple of dirigibles in it. I don't mean to sound disappointed, not in the least. But as I go along, I'm discovering that this is become something different and awesome! I also decided to write the rest of this in first person.
I know what it sounds like. A young adult post apocalyptic sci-fi coming of age story in first person with a teenage girl protagonist. Yah, that = Hunger Games, right? But I promise that is the only parallel.
Oh, sitting in that same sports bar as two weeks ago. Something about this place. Good beer, half price on all drafts, and quiet enough to write; it is my two hours of no kids and a nice surrounding. I can get 2000 words here easily. I could get more but, damn this blog!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Another Village Pub writing session.

After a week off from my mother visiting from Oregon. I'm trying to delve back into the post apocalyptic world of my character.
I told my mom I'd let her read my manuscript up to page 50. Well, a week before she arrived i went back, threw out 10 pages and rewrote the rest. I was yelled at before about this. But these changes make me so happy, erasing all but my grammatical worries about this manuscript.
What did I do? SIMPLIFY!!!
But, I think I pissed off my mom not having anything ready for her to read.
Today, I added only 2 handwritten pages, but they were good, in my opinion. Adds more action, less cutesy crap, and a bit more grit.
I'm on 3 pilsners so I should get home. Type this up. Besides the guys at the bar are wondering why I'm typing on my iPhone so much. Half this place is reserved for a singles group arriving in half an hour. Don't need to see that!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Cut and paste...

Well I was up to nearly 12000 words typed last night. Then I realized how a whole character didn't work out. So taking him out and some scenes dropped me to 10500. But that's ok! It works!
I do have about 3000 handwritten words to incorporate, hopefully tonight.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Pub writing.

As I mentioned in an earlier blog. I was using Thursdays as my mass writing day. I went to the library branch near my house and immediately hated it. I came home angry and remembered the pub down the street opened at 4. Drove down and wrote about 6 pages in a matter of a few hours. Downed only 2 pints... I'm working, remember! Still here and ready to go home. If only they'd bring the tab!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Designation: handyman

Actually the title should read: designation: screw this! Apparently my newer style round physic is not designed to bending over a tub and scraping caulk and mold all day. Also there is an old guy on YouTube that demonstrates how easy it is to scrape the caulk... I wanna punch that guy.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A Step Back...

Well. Went to the doctor today. Looks like I may have cracked a rib last week, maybe badly bruised. Doc says that he's not going to X-Ray because the treatment is the same. Take it Easy. He did give me a prescription for Hydrocodone.

Writing is slow right now. Trying to change directions a bit while not wanting to throw 90 pages away. It is a step back, but a necessary one.

Brief, yet again, but didn't want to forget about this new(ish) blog of mine.